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Thank you, DaVita!
This month, Meghan, DCAC’s Develompent & Marketing Manager, was invited to speak about DCAC at a DaVita corporate event. Meghan explained our programs at DCAC
Thank You, Denver Technology Services!
We had a very special visitor at DCAC this week! Christopher from the City and County of Denver’s Technology Services Department stopped by our office to
Thank You to All Problematic Sexualized Behaviors: Advanced Interventions Attendees!
Thank you to everyone who attended Dr. Gizane Indart’s Problematic Sexualized Behaviors: Advanced Interventions training on April 18th! This training was attended by 40 individuals and
There is Something You Should Know…
There is Something You Need to Know… Child abuse affects absolutely everyone. 1 in 10 children will be sexually abused before the age of 18.
Thank you to Connie, Bridger, and Shepard!
Yesterday, Connie and her grandsons, Bridger and Shepard, stopped by DCAC to drop off a donation of handmade, crochet stuffed animals! Connie made them and brought
Cherokee Trail High School Students donate Build-a-Bears to DCAC
Earlier this week, we had the honor of meeting a group of students from Cherokee Trail High School’s DECA program. The students came to DCAC