DCAC, like other child advocacy centers, is built on a network of collaborations and partnerships. A child-centered approach is the foundation of all of the services we provide. Our partners have unique specialties and approaches that ensure every child we serve is at the center of our work.
The Multidisciplinary Team
DCAC coordinates the multidisciplinary team (MDT) of first responders to reports of child abuse in the Denver metro area:
- Denver Police Department
- Denver Department of Human Services
- Denver District Attorney's Office
- Denver Health
Key Collaborators
DCAC, like other child advocacy centers, is built on a network of collaborations and partnerships. A child-centered approach is the foundation of all of the services we provide. Our partners have unique specialties and approaches that ensure every child we serve is at the center of our work.
National Children’s Alliance
DCAC is one of the children’s advocacy centers (CACs) nationwide accredited by the National Children’s Alliance (NCA).

Colorado Children’s Alliance
When necessary, Mental Health Center of Denver (MHCD) provides psychiatric care for clients of DCAC. We also partner with MHCD to provide early childhood mental health consultation for child care centers and other providers that work with children ages 0-5.

Denver Public Schools
DCAC has collaborated with Denver Public Schools since 2005 to offer Denver Safe from the Start
Early Childhood Development Partners
DCAC’s mental health specialists work with community partners to provide home visits, onsite assessments, training for professionals, and referrals for mental health treatment. By intervening at the earliest possible time, we can improve outcomes for the infants, while also providing therapy for the mothers’ untreated trauma.

Clayton Early Learning Center
Including the “HIPPY” (Home Instruction for Parents of Pre-school Youngsters) program, which serves children, ages 2-5 and their parents.

Florence Crittenton Services
Supports low-income high-risk teens who are pregnant or the mothers of infants and toddlers.

Adams County Head Start
DCAC works with all seven sites, plus the HIPPY program. The 545 children served are 3-5 years old, and come from families living at or below the poverty level.
Community Partners
DCAC diversifies its approach to community engagement by partnering with a variety of community agencies that provide a wide range of services. By working together, we can expand our access to families who may not otherwise know of the services we provide to children and their families.

Village Exchange Center
Village Exchange Center provides a satellite office for DCAC therapists to provide therapy to our families in Aurora and to VEC’s youth and families.

UndocuHub is a website and phone line dedicated to providing resources for undocumented immigrants across Colorado. In the Summer of 2020, DCAC, MSU, and CIRC launched the website to streamline educational, health, mental health, financial, food, legal, and other resources to undocumented and DACAmented individuals across Colorado.

Rose Andom Center
DCAC and Rose Andom Center work in tandem when a family facing abuse or domestic violence is in need of resources such as parenting classes, legal aid, therapy, and more.

Roots Family Center
DCAC has worked alongside ROOTS for many years, providing mental health consultations to their HIPPY and PAT teachers and families, as well as trainings on mental wellbeing.

Re:Vision has been a long time partner with DCAC helping us to develop a garden program for our clients and community members and partaking in DCAC trainings on Trauma Informed Care and mental wellness for the community. We developed a children’s gardening curriculum, Seeds for Tomorrow, alongside Re: Vision with an academic, social emotional, and health focus, which is now used in their garden program.

Piñata del aprendizaje
DCAC partners with La Pinata del Aprendizaje to bring social emotional awareness, tools, and resources to their families and childcare providers for their work with children ages 0-5 in Montbello.

MSU Immigrant Services Program
DCAC works with the MSU Immigrant Services Program students and therapists to provide a monthly processing space for DACAmented students at MSU. We also partner ISP to develop and maintain the UndocuHub website and warm line resources for undocumented immigrants in Colorado.

Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition
DCAC works with the CIRC to develop and maintain the UndocuHub website and warm line resources for undocumented immigrants in Colorado. In addition to aiding with development and outreach, DCAC provides mental wellbeing trainings and therapy or support group sessions for immigrants and families.
Task Forces
DCAC staff serve on or participate in:
– Denver District Attorney’s Advisory Council on Immigration
– Denver Anti-Trafficking Alliance
– Denver Domestic Violence Triage
– Drug Endangered Children
– Office on Violence Against Women Alliance Partnership
– Sexual Abuse Interagency Council
– FFN Strategic Partnership Network
– Unaccompanied Minors Task Force