Colorado Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline:  1-844-CO-4-KIDS  (1-844-264-5437)


Our staff is qualified to provide trainings in a range of topics, many of which are listed below. DCAC offers great flexibility – including sessions in Spanish – to meet the needs of organizations throughout the state.

Trainings that Fit Your Needs

DCAC staff have continued to provide customized trainings in a variety of virtual forms since the onset of COVID-19. We provide trainings and consultation for professionals and community members about the causes of trauma, its impact on children, and how to build trauma-sensitive environments in day care, schools, homes, and anywhere that children live, learn and play.

We specialize in supporting adults who are not mental health specialists but who work with traumatized children—day care providers, educators, foster parents, and people in law enforcement and social services. Even with the best intentions, adults can exacerbate, rather than ameliorate, child trauma, especially if they are unaware that the child is traumatized.

Our Trainings

* Beginner     ^ Intermediate    # Advanced

Trainings On Child Abuse & Neglect

– Signs and Symptoms of Child Abuse and Neglect*
– Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention*
– Internet Safety*
– The Impact of Domestic Violence on Children During the Pandemic*
– A Developmental-Contextual Approach to Child Sexual Abuse#
– Case Studies^
– The Impact of Maltreatment^

Trainings On Sexuality

– Childhood Sexuality: From Normal to Problematic and Abusive*
– Problematic Sexualized Behaviors: Advanced Interventions#
– How to Talk to Kids about Sexual Development*

Trainings On Intervention Methods

– Promoting Childhood Resilience through Trauma-Sensitive Yoga & Mindfulness*
– Mindfulness and Stress Management*
– Childhood Interrupted: A Developmentally Informed, Biologically Respectful Approach^
– Conscious Discipline*
– Self-regulation and coping skills for children^
– Trauma-Sensitive Interventions*
– Positive Discipline for Challenging Times*

Trainings for Victim Services Professionals

– Secondary Trauma in the Workplace*^
– Immigration Trauma and the Family
– But It’s Contagious! The Impact and Effects of Working and/or Living with Traumatized Children^
– Addressing Human Trafficking of Minors*^#
– Case Studies^
– Coping with Anxiety and Depression During Challenging Times*
– Medical Aspects of Child Abuse and Neglect: When a Medical Examination Is Needed^

Trainings On Trauma

– Trauma-Informed Care *^#
– Trauma: Impact on the Developing Mind and Brain*
– Invisible Trauma: The Trauma We Carry with Us Every Day*
– Unconventional & Creative Strategies for Helping Traumatized Children and Their Families^
– Two-Generational Approach to Trauma: From Chaos and Despair to the Promise of a Brighter Future#
– Supporting Traumatized Children in the Classroom*
– Developmental Impact of Early Adverse Childhood Experiences^
– Vicarious Trauma: The Impact on You When Working with Traumatized Children#
– Is Trauma Hereditary? The Impact of Multi-Generational Trauma^
– Toxic Love: When Offenders Enter the Family System^

Interested in a Training from DCAC? Contact us today!

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